You rely on the official Russian death tolls for Chernobyl? Are you serious?
You rely on the official Russian death tolls for Chernobyl? Are you serious?
I hear the Philemon and Bauchis vibes.
Ovid told ye so.
Germans simply have an eagle. Not the white head American style one.
Lustig, denn den Impfzwang gab es nur im Kaiserreich… Nicht während Corona.
It’s even worse than fossil fuel:
Carbondioxide has its natural circle, if we stop burning fossil fuels nature can remove carbondioxide by itself.
This does not work for uranium or plutonium, and the pathetic tries to get it into a circle have polluted e. g. Sellafield UK and other countrisides.
With some infrastructure near your housing and a working public transport, driving isn’t a necessity.
There are European countries that have no 1 and 2c coins (Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, Finland). The prices are the same, when you buy something the sum is simply rounded up to the next 5 cents.
Works fine.
4 science…
Naja, tut was zur Sache. ErDe ist extrem tendenziös, je nach Überschrift und verlinkter Webseite.
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