• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 25th, 2024


  • Sorry for the late reply, I spent some time in a hospital and haven’t been back for more than a couple of days. Anyways, I disabled pipewire, masked the services because they kept auto enabling themselves, installed and started pulseaudio and pulseaudio-alsa and audio is now 100% pop and crackle free. I know pulseaudio doesn’t have as good latency but for me it seems to work great. I am running a bunch of Ai image generation with stable diffusion in the background right now to load up my system/VM and running plex at the same time and the audio seems stable and pop free. So this proves the VM itself and my settings for it are not the issue and it is something with pipewire itself. At least it focuses the troubleshooting… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Whelp, it plays a 48000Hz sine wave through aplay just fine… I used sox to generate it. I’ll be frank, I am not entirely sure how else to test the audio system aside from just playing something. I believe pipewire being chosen as the default audio subsystem means pulse audio itself inst even needed or installed by arch install since pipewire has inbuilt compatibility with it, right? If this is the case, then I do not have pulse audio installed separately.

    I would post my VM config but for some reason it’s not working? Ill try a pastebin…

  • Sorry it took me so long to test this all out, thanks a bunch, this seems to have solved the issue. I guess I did indeed miss a step. There are certainly some weird bugs I’m getting right now with flickery apps and such but that’s sorta what I expected. HDR even works which is very nice to see. Regardless, I appreciate you taking the time to assist me here, I will have a play around and get my Waydroid config all sorted now.

    Thank you!

  • I already own the 3070ti because it was just what I had before switching to Linux. It works great and I’m not keen on trying to swap cards until I can afford one that is a reasonably large step up. Plus when I do upgrade I plan making this one a dedicated transcoding\ai card so I don’t want to sell it. I do intend on never buying nVidia ever again after living through tons of driver bs while my other AMD system is a very smooth experience. Generally it seems to me the idea of selling the card and buying another when it’s not needed is sorta throwing the baby out with the bathwater kind of situation.

  • Mandrake, I wanna say ~1998 or so. But tbh, I only recently finally took the plunge and wiped all traces of M$ off my system. I’ve tried Linux distris over the years and always just couldn’t make them work for me for one reason or another. Red hat, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Pop_OS, Manjaro, Arco, Endeavor. Nothing really worked out for me and something inevitably broke that genuinely wasn’t my fault. Now, I have settled on pure Arch with KDE and for some reason, it’s been stable and been used daily for months now and I can’t think of one thing that could ever make me go back, or anywhere else for that matter.

  • One of the main reasons I made the switch from 10 to 11 and I used it constantly. I have several services that simply don’t work right from the web interface because of the drm BS. Being able to use the android apps worked great even if side loading an alternative store was a little bit of a pain on initial setup.

    I am even more glad I recently made the switch to a 100% Linux environment at home. I have a simple waydroid install and it works much easier and is equally integrated into the desktop experience when compared to WSA. Only hassle is making sure you have a Wayland compositor since it won’t work with x11 but that’s just confirming a configuration essentially so par for the course really.

    Regardless, this would be very disappointing if I hadn’t already had an alternative.

  • Oh, this is a flipping great question. So much fun as I’ve just settled on one distro. M$ won’t allow me to transfer my transferrable Windows license and I refuse o pay yetagain for Windows so Linux is my sole OS from now on. I have had so many weird issues or configuration woes with a ton of OSs ive been trying. So I tell ya, I sure have installed my fair share of them in the last month or so.


    • Steam (Gotta get my game on)
    • ProtonPlus
    • Lutris
    • Heroic
    • Winetricks
    • Protontricks
    • VLC
    • Brave
    • Bitwarden(Probably the second most important software in my life)
    • Authy
    • Krusader (No idea why but Ill use this before the built in file manager sometimes)
    • Plex htpc
    • Kate - Notepadqq (havent decided which one i like best yet)
    • PolyMC
    • LibreOffice
    • Flatpack (I always prefer the native package but flatpack has almost anything the repositories lack)-
    • Appimagelauncher (Just for ease of use, appimages are a always third fiddle but are a great backup as flatpacks can be - limited in available software compared)
    • Gimp (Almost exclusively because the name makes me giggle)
    • OBS Studio


    • MC (100% always the first this I ever install no matter what)
    • HTOP (Not standard in all as many distros as i would think)
    • Openssh
    • Cifs-utils
    • Starship
    • Zsh
    • Neofetch
    • Tmux (Cant live without it)

    Of course there are tons of other small things I add but those are the ones I will have installed likely before I go to reboot for the first time. The rest of what I interact with is generally running on my server so it’s all web based stuff for the most part. I use VNC often to interact with virtual machines, do tech support for my son so i don’t have to get up (disabled). I haven’t really found a Linux VNC client i genuinely like. I used to use TightVNC with Windows and it’s about the only thing I miss. I do have a Guacamole docker running on my network but unless you have a physical KB/M it’s less than preferable to use. I’ll find something I like eventually I’m sure. 👍-----