Or you know, not gatekeeping but actually taking a position as a political party (instead of trying to be some grey nothing). Oh and having more then two parties would be nice.
Or you know, not gatekeeping but actually taking a position as a political party (instead of trying to be some grey nothing). Oh and having more then two parties would be nice.
Democrats’ decision to disregard the will of 116,000 voters could have major consequences.
Yeah, you could say that…
Wonder where the Bingilator got the splash from. I sometimes wonder who it is impersonating when some pictures come out stylish.
She was appointed? So what? Elect her because she’s a better choice, then fix that problem.
I think the issue (well one of many) with this line of thinking is that as she was appointed, even if elected she would not have been fairly elected. An issue with the Dems for many years now. People vote against things more then for them and the USA voted for trump over Harris. That nothing seems to have been learned other then “she should have won” or “maybe if we go farther right it will work this time” is a real mindfuck.
The Dems could “fix” that problem (since it is a party problem) but they don’t, ever. This is as much a failing of the Democratic party as the failure of American democracy collapsing into a two party system.
In that two party system?
“Go ahead, throw your vote away!” -Kodos
Yes, thank you for putting it in plain language. People are not in a good place all over the world and telling people the economy (markets and stats people no longer have faith in) is great has the opposite effect then what the Dems intended.
This mess stems from a combo of a two party system (you know that thing the US founders warned you about) and a fundamental failure (real or perceived) of society’s ability to reward people fairly. Now you don’t have a middle class to pander to, you just have levels of poor and a few ultra wealthy (both demographics that tend to vote more right then left).
The real telling stat here is women voters. At what point would a woman vote contrary to her own body autonomy, safety and general rights? Like anyone else, when she is poor, hungry and angry.
The poison of the “big tent”. Move a little over to let people in enough and you are no longer representing anyone in a desperate attempt to represent everyone.
Well I was posting it more to the point of the I am sure wave of people saying “Well I voted for the Dems” is fast approaching.
Yeap, and yet we are not building anything that is not large semi or detached homes. Here there is no subsidies (current or planed) for building apartments we desperately need and instead our providential government blames municipalities for “red tape” causing issues with builders. You can talk to builders, they don’t want to manage buildings and they build what makes them money, its not rocket science.
Yeah that was great. Truly the actor most suited for these times.
Turnout seems to have been 158,481,688 (62.8%) in 2020 and although not yet tallied for 2024 the estimates are 138,437,782 counted so far. Can we just wait until the counts are done before making statements?
Hey, Nick Cage is an icon.
Yes, please move to those places. I would love to house everyone, and would pay greatly to do so. But as we can see the political landscape really does not currently allow such acts.
Yeah, really hope you can figure something out. We both know you are not safe.
No I was talking about how we have a housing crisis and people are freezing to death on the streets, and lets be fair even the “ones who want nothing to do with trump” are still way right of center in a global sense.
Please go someplace warm instead.
(in spirit since I am not American)
Hello floored, I am to say it lightly “disappointed”
Please pick another place then here to go. We have enough Americans and your problems.
Trust us, we are different. Oh how specifically are we different? What a great question, is it not the best part of this nation to be able to ask such things. Anyway, as I was saying…