• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • The USA us probably confident, Israel just needs it as a existential threat.

    Stuxnet and their targeted assassinations of Iran’s scientists seem to have made their efforts unfeasible for the foreseeable future. They have the enrichment cylinders, but they can’t keep both the infrastructure and research safe from constant attacks, which makes progress very difficult since it is very expensive both materially and in knowledge. They likely can’t break past 20% enrichment which is useless for a bomb.

    For reference the technology was supposedly smuggled/provided by Pakistan, and they did it covertly in about 6-9 years, which also apparently upset Mossad because they thought Pakistan would get involved in the middle east.

  • Every attempt to invade/attack/degrade Israel failed in this same assumption.

    I’m gonna be honest and say that no country in the region deserves to even liberate the Palestinians except Palestinians themselves, and even then Hamas made the same mistake. None of their allies are trustworthy or truly care about the Palestinian cause, they simply want the resources or geopolitical influence for their own.

    • KSA and the oil states started out as classic colonial British backed anti ottoman factions, almost like the insane warlords in Afghanistan that ran the government for 20 years. They are nothing but shitty feudal dynasties that are currently propped up by US economic interests and oil money.

    • Egypt is a failed army state that thought that simply being in the military automatically makes you better and guaranteed for success (surprise it was all corruption).

    • Jordan actually put up a small fight with its rather limited resources until its King was assassinated and replaced by a shill.

    • Lebanon was and still is just a proxy war between Israel, Iran, and Syria.

    • Syria is a knockoff military dictatorship enthnostate embroiled in war crimes.

    • Iraq is another failed army state that thought it could actually take on the USA, despite also failing to do anything with Israel or Iran.

    • Iran is a backfired attempt by the US to control every country in the middle east, so now its an insane religious dictatorship.

    Every Arab-Israeli war to date is filled with nepotism and failure. Egypt alone fought multiple “wars” in an attempt to regain the territory lost in the 6 day “war” which basically a curb-stomp by the IDF, even after Jordan warned Egypt of the impending attack.

  • This is sort of a recent Pakistani joke, but they’ve been calling ISI (Military Security Org) the admin of pornhub because they’ve been threatening politicians and judges with hidden/planted camera videos placed in bedrooms.

    So now the Army’s (and by extension Pakistan) #1 export is porn.

    It would be funnier if they didn’t immediately follow up with torture and death/forced disappearances if you refused to budge on calling out corruption.

  • 1920s max bruh, this is a colonial issue, especially since it was initially set off by Britain.

    There’s plenty of documented media of Palestine existing rather normally as a loose collection of cities around the area. Lots of photographs and written logs of people who visited. Population was mostly Muslim and then Christian.

    Before Britain, it was simply under control of the Ottoman empire.

    It all set off when Britian made it a colony and set off a nationalization movement with the Balfour Declaration. It doesn’t matter that it was historically fought over by several civilizations, it’s just that GB didn’t want to deal with Jews either, and decide shipping them off to a colony was a good idea, since it worked well with Australia.

  • They’re clearing out the scene before the switch 2 releases because they perceive the current emulators as a major threat somehow.

    Which I assume means that the new switch is similar enough in architecture that it would be relatively trivial to ship a fully functional emulator on hardware release.

    Pretty insane because at least in the USA, emulation is protected by law, except if someone can successfully argue that you are bypassing DRM which is illegal.

    In a working system, this wouldn’t be an issue but I imagine neither Yuzu nor Ryjunix would want to deal with Nintendo’s insane law team that could wreck them financially in a matter of days before even entering a court room.

    I hope someone either makes an anonymous dev team for a future project, or gets assistance from a consumer justice firm/group to properly argue in court to shut Nintendo down. They really should not be able to do this because it was already a thing 24 years ago:

    Sony Computer Entertainment v. Connectix Corporation, 203 F.3d 596 (2000), commonly referred to as simply Sony v. Connectix, is a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals which ruled that the copying of a copyrighted BIOS software during the development of an emulator software does not constitute copyright infringement, but is covered by fair use. The court also ruled that Sony’s PlayStation trademark had not been tarnished by Connectix Corp.'s sale of its emulator software, the Virtual Game Station.