• Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
    5 months ago


    Everyone is making fun of the way this is phrased, with it’s history. “Oh, if I can be caught with a pornstar, and falsify business documents in an attempt to influence the election, so can ANYONE!”. That’s the way everybody is mocking this quote, with the mockery being how out of touch he is from the real world.

    But what’s somehow being lost, and is even more insane, is that what he’s actually saying is even worse.

    He’s saying “If I, donald trump, former (and in his mind future) president, and financially elite white male with power can be made held accountable for his crimes, than so can ANY OF YOU! If they can reach me, they can reach you with your crimes! Let’s change their ability to prosecute me, and put things back in order, so I can protect you when they come for you…unless you’re anything besides a rich white naturally born american citizen, in which case fuck you.”

    That’s the extended full paraphrasement of what he’s saying…and in my mind it’s even more batshit crazy than what everybody is actually mocking him for.

    The idea that basically he, and his kind are at the top of the ladder, and it’s a better ladder than anyone else. It’s supposed to be an untouchable ladder, but they touched the guy at the top of the rotting ladder. They touched him 34 times. So now they can touch anyone.

    That’s his logic and it’s insane to me.

      • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I politely disagree.

        That would imply that trump isn’t so much an evil person as he is an innocent bumbling idiot with good intentions (in his own mind). I would be empathetic, at least partially, to him if that were the case.

        I don’t believe trump is stupid. Well…I do but in a different way. I believe trump knows right from wrong, and since birth has been taught that wrong gives you better advancements in life.

        Where I think he’s an idiot is in his own self belief that he’s so high and mighty that the peasants couldn’t fathom his intellect. And every choice he makes to improve his own (and only his own) life is about the dumbest way possible.

        Essentially I view him in very similiar light as elon musk. Just lucky enough to be born into the right family, just smart enough to understand how to run the rackets and schemes, but just dumb enough to be perpetually on the cliff of a financial and career suicide if he takes even one false step. Then blames everyone else for him having walked to and/or off the cliff (if that happens).

        Same way I never believed bush was stupid either. I think bush is smarter and more evil that trump. But they’re on the same road. Bush just had more gas to drive farther down the road than trump did (and hopefully this is as far as he goes).

        • GoofSchmoofer@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          To take a side route and just say that I agree that Bush deserves the hatred for his actions and decisions but I think the evil moniker should be place on the chest of Cheney and Rumsfeld. Bush was just a weak President that allowed those two to call the shots.

      • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        He’s on the top of his ladder, but the ladder sinks into the ground the more weight you put it on it. And I know that soulds like a fat joke, but it’s not. I don’t fat shame.

        I’m just suggesting that everyone on that ladder has so much extra bullshit as baggage, that they’re starting to not be able to support itself anymore.

        Sometimes I wonder how Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Rosevelt would feel if they could see the republican party today. I assume Lincoln would say something like “I no longer wish to observe such buffoonary. Summon John Wilks Booth.”